ALL together
Here we children and young
people have the say
well - together with the oldies
Do you know who CHILOLA is?
CHI - this is a word for life
LO - for a boy
LA - for a girl
or from
CHIL-dren and OLA - making the
CHI-ron - this is also a star in
the sky

Foto: Pixabay
I am CHILOLA. I am a self-determined
free being who is all in one and decides, so to speak, and like
a push on a button whether IT wants to be male or female, boy or
girl, old or young, or which role he wants to play. Like a
clown who laughs and sometimes cries or do both at the
same time.
From time to time I am also "naughty", say the adults. But then
I'm not angry, I just say what I feel and think
and then I do it what I will. I'm just myself. Like you, I have gifts and
talents in me. This has
nothing to do with stupid school, the dear God has given me so
much that I can perceive it every day and do something with it
from the heart. You must not ask if the others like it, but you
should just have joy doing it. Then you have a good feeling
everything is good and right. In the CHILOLA Forum you can let
off steam with your talents and have a lot of joy.

Foto: Pixabay
Do you know
what a forum is? This is something where adults who consider
themselves very clever annoy others with their cleverness. Their
knowledge usually comes only from books, which they have not
understood. And these books have been written again by someone
who may have copied from other books, and so on...
So you
always experience what others have experienced and communicated
without knowing whether it is really true. And maybe you should
do the same because your parents means or other adults which
have not lived their own dreams that you should do that now,
bet? But you certainly have your own dreams that you can realize
in your life - this requires courage.
Therefore: CHILOLA does not believe
anything, not even what is written in books. CHILOLA wants to
make its own experiences and tries everything out. CHILOLA is
super curious and super gaga. In the CHILOLA Forum, it is not
the "clever old people" to tell somebody what's what. Here you
determine what you are interested in, what you want to find out
and what you have experienced. In conversations with the oldies
you can exchange ideas - all is said and asked. But really
everything. CHILOLA accompanies you.
You can also lend your voice to CHILOLA and paint CHILOLA by
putting the questions and answers in CHILOLA's mouth. In the
CHILOLA Forum there are the topics that are close to your
heart. You can participate as soon as you don't shit in your
pants anymore. In the OLA KiTas, this may still be in the
race. The OLA KiTas are also involved and have top-class
lecturers such as Professor Dr. Dr. Melogen - see picture.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Melogen |
In the
OLA KiTas you will find, among other things, the following
Awareness - Senses - of senses Awareness - Fantasy -
Language Awareness - Nature - Garden Awareness -
Culture - Technology Awareness - Creativity - Shaping
Awareness - Food - Delightfull |
CHILOLA Forum - contributers:
Non-profit Foundation Sirius Stiftung, Mönchengladbach
of talents of children and young people
Tiergarten Mönchengladbach-Odenkirchen - Zooschule
Schloss Dyck, Jüchen, Grünes Klassenzimmer - Experimente
in Mönchengladbach-Rheindahlen
Schloss Türnich, Kerpen
Museum Insel Hombroich und
Raketenstation, Neuss
Contact CHILOLA if you
have any ideas or would like to share other knicknacks
that you could imagine for CHILOLA.

really knows what - IT -CHILOLA looks like yet. Surely you have an
idea? Here you can give CHILOLA a face and a shape.
children, teens and the young at hearts - CHILOLA is waiting for
nothing and let your imagination run wild. You know IT, anyone
can paint and draw, and everyone has great ideas. CHILOLA is
a good spirit that you can make visible. Let this being come
alive. CHILOLA is a self-determined free being that is all in
one and decides, so to speak, and with a push on a button
whether it is male or female, boy or girl.
We will
publish the creative ideas of you, pictures, crafts, writings,
snippets and "Geschlunze" in the magazine CHIRON ALLGLOBE, if
you agree. We are already looking forward to your contributions.

Bild: Pixabay
Hey, do you want to let the world know what CHILOLA
thinks of everything and how we could change the world
together ... Here you have the chance - now you know ...
... and if you don't just know and want to be in the
picture, ZOOM can do it. Let us know your ideas and
together with us and others you can exchange yourself in
a ZOOM meeting.
Come on - we are waiting for it and for you.
Concept ist
die gemeinnützige
Sirius Stiftung
Mitwirkende im ALLGLOBE CHILOLA Forum.
In the CHIRON Holistic LIFE & HEALTH
Concept, the non-profit foundation Sirius Stiftung is a
contributor to the ALLGLOBE CHILOLA Forum.
Come up with something - for
the magazine or for the ALLGLOBE CHILOLA Forum. If you have topics that are
close to your heart
or want more information, please write to us at
office@chiron-concept.world or call us at
der kleinen Forscher - Mitwirkende Hochschule